Samtyckeslagen is the first law of its kind in the entire world, and I am head over heels for this law. Samtyckeslagen: samtycke= consent, lagen = law. Now you just got a super tiny Swedish course. Hurray! Sweden introduced the sexual consent law in 2018. Prior to the sexual consent law, a person had to […]
The Sex Purchase Act
I will write about a law that is dear to me and that has become famous worldwide as ”The Nordic Model: The sex purchase act”. All countries have their own laws and it is sometimes difficult to know them when you have arrived in a new country. 20 years ago Sweden was the first country […]
What happens when you divorce in Sweden?
You never want to start a new chapter in your life or an exciting adventure thinking about the worst, or what could go wrong. It seems almost fateful to even indulge the consequences of what would happen if your family’s immigration didn’t work out. It’s a reality that even the most pragmatic amongst us shuns. […]