Learning Swedish is among the top recommendations everyone gives when it comes to “how to find a job in Sweden” tips. At the same time, the experience of acquiring sufficient language skills to be proficient in a professional setting is vastly different for everyone, including those who take the path of the “official Swedish learning courses”. […]
learn Swedish online
Unlocking Swedish grammar: Is it hit or is it dit?
Did you ever construct a sentence like “Jag åkte där” only to be corrected? You are not alone 🙂 Swedish for “here,” “there,” “home” etc. come in two versions. You have to choose between “hit” and “här,” “dit” and “där” and “hem” and “hemma.” It might seem completely random when exactly you should use these […]
Learn Swedish with The Swedish Teacher
The Swedish Teacher offers high-quality Swedish lessons over Skype, customized to your unique needs and is flexible concerning time and place.