Si Na came to Sweden at the age of 15 after a long journey just in the company of another teenager.
Moving from Italy to Sweden – Barbaras story
Barbara has been in Sweden since 2016. Her favourite Swedish words are “passa på” and “lagom”. When we asked what brought her to Sweden, she told us it was friendship and love.
Frequently asked questions
We offer easy to understand information and tips on one single platform. But mostly it is a place created by newbies for newbies.
Moving from France to Sweden – Garance’s story
Garance is a data scientist that came to study, lured by a general interest in Scandinavian culture and society.
What is Individuell Människohjälp and how can it help me?
Individuell Människohjälp, IM was founded in 1938 and has been fighting poverty and exclusion ever since.
Moving to Sweden from Lebanon – Kholiud’s story
We came as asylum seekers as me and my husband had done a silent revolution against the regime. But because of this, we were threatened to death and had to flee.
Moving from India to Sweden – Jyoti’s story
Jyoti came from India to Sweden in January 2016. She was then living in Bangalore with her husband, they worked non stop, had no kids and were generally enjoying their lived. But they both had a desire to travel the world and so when they got the opportunity to work in Sweden, they decided to take […]
What is it really like to work in Sweden?
A couple of weeks back we conducted a poll asking the Newbie community, ‘How different is the business behaviour or work culture in Sweden compared to that of your home country?’ And 90% of our readers voted: ‘Very different’. No wonder then, that for a newbie in Sweden, feeling at home at work doesn’t come […]
A complete guide to buying an apartment in Stockholm (Part 2)
Buying an apartment is one of the most serious steps in life. It requires a lot of planning, savings and to be as prepared as possible. On this part two of the series, I will talk about the mortgage and downpayment. To read part 1 click here. Know your Purchase Ability. Before rushing into apartment […]
من هو الوافد المبتدئ ؟
المبتدئ أو القادمين الجدد (أو ما نحب تسميتهم ب Newbie)هم جميع الأشخاص الشجعان الذين يأتون إلى السويد لبدء حياة هنا. يأتون من جميع أنحاء العالم. مع قدرات وإمكانيات مختلفة. يأتي البعض للعمل، وبعضهم يأتون للدراسة، وبعضهم يأتون للعائلة وغيرها لأنهم غير آمنين في بلدهم. ومع ذلك، فإن الشيء المشترك لمعظم المبتدئين هو أنهم جريئون. لقد […]
The “This is Sweden” moment
Have you had a this is Sweden moment yet? Daisy Goodwin, an English writer once said: “Marriage is like living in a foreign country as an adult: You can become fluent in the language, you can step yourself in the culture, you can know all three verses of the national anthem; but no matter how […]
On Learning Swedish: Practice, Patience, And A Whole Lot Of Mistakes
In my last Newbie post, I shared the reasons I chose to learn Swedish (if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend you do). After weeks of living in Stockholm, I was tired of apologizing for my lack of Swedish language skills. I needed to make a change, so I enrolled in a twice-weekly class. […]