There are many reasons to take a Swedish test and there are a variety of language tests to meet your different needs.
study tools
Swedish spell check
Spelling in Swedish is a challenge and if your trusty Swedish speaking friend can’t help you there are good spelling softwares to use.
How to start learning Swedish by yourself
Work your way through a Swedish grammar book or take a Swedish online course. Learning Swedish this way has many benefits.
11 Mobile Apps International Students in Sweden Must Have
Written by Hamzah Dzikri Fadliansyah In this digitalized era, everything is handy. You just need to click and scroll everything through your mobile phone to operate everything. Some essential things can be done remotely by using your smartphone. Speaking of which, Sweden is one of many countries where everything is all digitalized. As international students […]
Productive things to do when you’re bored
Free time is very important in the Swedish way of living.. but it can also be a bit boring from time to time. What productive things can you do in your free time? Well, many! Learn Swedish online Studying Swedish can be really boring… or really fun! There are many websites on which you can […]
Libraries, the best kept Swedish secret
Written by Sara Costa I am a book lover and undeniably a library lover as well. There is something cosy about the rows of shelves full of stories, the air filled with imagination and the smell of books that co-exist in libraries. I have visited many libraries and I have always wished to live in […]
“Learning Swedish isn’t difficult”
If you’re planning on moving to Sweden, you have to start learning Swedish. Yes, Swedes are very good at English, but you really have to know Swedish for many small things! You probably saw the term SFI often, or svenska för invandrare, on many websites. These are free Swedish courses provided by the government, however, […]