Why do Swedes take off their shoes at the front door? Well, let’s look into that. Our surroundings influence our culture and what’s normal to some, is odd to others. Places, people, objects, and relationships, all contribute to who we are and what we are used to. We are all born and raised in a […]
Swedish traditions
A one way ticket to Sverige!! Daring to live a life I’d only dreamed of…
Written by Suzy Greaves “The world is too big to stay in one place. Life is too short to do just one thing.” I love to hear about people’s journeys, their life choices, the paths they take and the stories they make. Well; I’m Suzy, welcome to my story and my Swedish life. It’s […]
What’s ‘Christmas in Sweden’ without a julbord!
Julbord – one thing you can not miss out on if you’re looking to soak in Christmas celebrations in Sweden. Literally translated to ‘Christmas table’, the julbord is a buffet of traditional Swedish eats, and a window into the land’s culture, habit, craving and identity. Written by our content writer, Nidhi Dhingra The Swedish julbord […]
Swedish Comfort Food
I am intrigued by the concept of comfort food, and I had to ask several native English speakers, native food comforters about the topic. In Swedish, there is one seemingly fitting equivalent, which is tröstäter, ‘comfort eating’ or ‘consolation eating’, but this leads us in the wrong direction. Is there such a thing as Swedish […]
Midsummer celebration in Sweden (like it’s supposed to be).
Midsummer eve (midsommarafton) is one of the most celebrated days in Sweden. So let’s play one step forward, one step back. Fast forward one day Fast forward one day, the Midsummer day – not that it is important (by now we all know that it is the eve that counts) but it puts the post […]
Visiting Etiquette – Sweden Edition
Written by Sara Al Arab Meeting new people can be challenging when coming to Sweden. However, when you finally have found friends, you want to keep a good relationship with them. Knowing the Swedish etiquette of visiting can be very useful! The first time I had my Swedish friends over is when I learned most […]