Valborg in Sweden is a rich tradition and a fun night out. For a non religious country, it may seem surprising that Sweden celebrates many Christian and Pagan holidays. Valborg, also known as Walpurgis night literally means witch night. Traditionally, whole towns would gather around huge bonfires and try to scare off evil spirits and witches.
Written by Charlotte Garbutt
Where did Valborg in Sweden come from?
Originally Germanic, the tradition is celebrated across many Eastern European countries. Terrified of witches, Pagans particularly feared witch sabbaths. They would gather and do their best to ward off the evil spirits by singing songs and dancing around a bonfire; all on the eve that the witches were due to gather. Witch mania was spreading around Europe, and Sweden was not exempt.
Sweden has quite a dark history of witch hunts and trials. In the 16th and 17th centuries priests tortured children until they testified that their mothers or sisters were actually witches. The Torsåker witch trials saw 71 people beheaded in one day, 65 of which were women, killing a fifth of the regions women in just one day.
Over many years, the hysteria around witch craft died down. The tradition of Valborg took on new meaning. The fires became less about warding off dark spirits, and more about protecting farm animals from predators. Farmers would gather their sheep and cattle by the fire, lit to scare off wolves and foxes. The ceremony became a way to hope and pray for a successful harvest.
Nowadays, of course, witch hunts are not at the forefront of anyone’s mind. The Swedish calendar is full of traditions which have religious origins. However, the majority of these dates are celebrated without any religious ceremony.
Valborg in Sweden now
There seems to be a bit of a theme with the traditions that Sweden have adopted. Valborg, celebrated on the 30th April, also signals a change in the seasons. Finally the snow has melted (mostly) and buds are appearing on the trees. At the end of a long, dark and cold winter, I can completely understand why this tradition is so popular. The long, sunny days excite hope about the Summer, which now feels so close.
There’s nothing the Swedes love more than being out in nature, and this tradition has now become a celebration of that. And so, Valborg is now less about warding off witches and more about celebrating the spring with a big party and a nice toasty bonfire. The parties are public events and vary across the country. In some cities, like Uppsala, champagne is a big part of the day.
So, if like me, you haven’t had the chance to celebrate Valburg in Sweden, then check out what your town has planned. Celebrate the warm Spring weather, outside with a drink and some good company.
About the author
I am a foodie and feminist with a strong sense of adventure. I moved, with my husband and little black dog, to Skellefteå, Sweden from England in August 2018. I have since been eager to explore and learn more about the Swedish culture and language.
This is so beautiful I would love to learn more.