Most jobs are found in a person’s own network – you know someone, who knows someone, who has a friend that is looking for someone just like you.
The probability of finding a job through your network is significantly bigger than through work agencies. People in your network are people who know and trust you and are familiar with your abilities, qualities and strengths. Your network is therefore of crucial importance. Yet, most Newbies don’t have a social network but there are a lot you can do to change that.
- Get yourself out there
- Be clear about what you are searching for
- Explore social media
- Make it easy for other to help you
- Take up a hobby
- Go for a fika
- Enter a student union
- Write a Fan-Email
- Don´t isolate yourself
- Be patient
1. Get yourself out there
Take every chance you get to meet people. Real people. In real life. Approach people with an open mind. Widen your social horizons. Future friends may hide in the most unexpected places and occasions.
2. Be clear about what you are searching for
Be open about the fact that you are looking for work and communicate it in your social channels. Put words to your hopes, skills and qualifications. You never know who might pop up with a good tip or idea.
3. Explore social media
There are all sorts of social networking sites on the web. Explore them. They can be a great starting point. It is nice to meet up with people who are going through the same adventures as you and exchanging experiences can be very strengthening. Check out our networking section for more information.
E-learning courses for your best job experience
Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed about finding work in Sweden? Or do you have a job and feel your salary doesn’t match your skills. Or, do you not quite get the unwritten rules at your new job? We’ve got you covered. We know how hard it can be to find a job, get the right pay and feel comfortable in your new Swedish job so we’ve created digital courses with all the information you need:
After finishing these courses, you will be able to navigate your Swedish work situation with skill and comfort.
4. Make it easy for others to help you
Make sure to make the groundwork before asking for a favour. Need a phone number? A recommendation letter? Or just a ride? Try to do as much as you can before asking for that crucial favour; most people are glad to help but short of time.
5. Take up a hobby
What makes you happy? Singing? Movies? Books? Knitting? Running? Or a dynamic yoga session? Exploring your passions is a great way to meet people. A common interest can overcome initial shyness and compensate for limited language skills.
6. Go for a fika
Socializing in Sweden is mostly done with a fika. It looks like regular coffee and snack but a fika is where important and informal matters are discussed. So, don’t turn down a fika invitation – and make sure to taste the cinnamon bun – kanelbulle. Learn more about fika here.
7. Enter a student union
Are you a student? Don’t miss the opportunity to sign up with your student union – studentkår. They organize pub nights, talks and fun things in general.
8.Write Fan-Email
Ok, this may sound insane, but it isn’t all that crazy. Write to people you admire and tell them you like what they do. It can end there, in a nice gesture, but it can also develop from there and you might just make a friend or find someone you can turn to for advice.
9. Don’t isolate yourself
Some love networking and others find the whole networking processes overwhelming. It is ok. Networking isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. However, try not to enter the “isolation bubble”. If you feel overwhelmed, take a break, but make sure to get back out there again.
10. Be patient
It takes time to build a social network and Swedes are particularly slow and conservative in building friendships. Give it time, you will get there, eventually.