The national employment service – Arbetsförmedlingen has several initiatives specifically for Newbies. Some are open for all Newbies while other initiatives are limited to Newbies in a certain life situation.
Remember that you are entitled to all services that Arbetsförmedlingen provides (not just the Newbie stuff), so make sure to check out their other services too.
- Access to an interpreter (for all Newbies)
- Validation of work experience and education (for all Newbies)
- Nystartsjobb (for most Newbies)
- Instegsjobb (for most Newbies)
- Etableringspaket (for Newbies covered by the law 2010:197)
You are entitled to an interpreter if you feel unsure about your Swedish and feel that this limits you in your contact with Arbetsförmedlingen. It doesn’t cost you anything but you might have to wait a bit longer in order to get an appointment.
Validation – Validering
Arbetsförmedlingen can help you validate your educational and professional experience. This means finding out what your work experience and education corresponds to on the Swedish work market.
We recommend that you use this opportunity, as the validation processes can be complex and time consuming. Make sure to bring all your certificates, grades and other references to your first appointment with Arbetsförmedlingen. Insist in getting your validation processes started right away.
Universitet- och högskolerådet (UHR)
Universitet- och högskolerådet is the place to turn to if you have a foreign high school diploma, Bachelor/Master Degree or PHD/MBA certificate.
(information in Swedish and English).
Do you have foreign work experience but lack formal proof? Valideringsinfo provides you with information on how to proceed in order to formalise your work experience.
(information in Swedish and English)
New start job – nystartsjobb
Nystartsjobb means that your employer receives a payment from Arbetsförmedlingen for hiring you. The aim of this support is to make you – as a Newbie – more attractive on the Swedish work market. Nystartsjobb is applicable to permanent, temporary as well as part-time employments.
Your payment needs to be fair. Your employer has to pay you in accordance with the collective agreement for the industry. You need to search and apply for the job on your own. This support will, however, hopefully make it easier for you to find a job and gain some important Swedish work experience. It might be an idea to write in your CV that you are entitled to nystartsjobb.
You are entitled to nystartsjobb if you arrived in Sweden less than three years ago and have been granted a residence permit as a refugee, person in need of protection or because of a connection.
Introduction package – Etableringsprogram (only for Newbies covered by law 2010: 197)
Some Newbies are entitled to extended integration benefits. The purpose of this benefit is to give newly arrived Newbies the support they need in order to learn Swedish, find work and become self sufficient as quickly as possible. The support covers etableringsplan (introduction plan), etableringsersättning (financial support) and help to find housing.
The law (2010: 197) aims toward Newbies between 20 – 64 years of age, who have received a residence permits as a refugee, quota refugee or person in need of protection. The law also covers unaccompanied children at the age of 18-19, as well as close relatives to people covered by this law. Contact your nearest Arbetsförmedling if you are unsure about whether or not you are covered by this law.
Introduction interview – etableringssamtal
Start by setting an appointment for an introduction interview at Arbetsförmedlingen. This interview serves the purpose of providing an overview of your current skills and possibilities.
Introduction plan – etableringsplan
An essential part of the introduction interview will be to set up an individual introduction plan – a so called etableringsplan. An etableringsplan can consists of several activities, like:
- Learning Swedish at SFI
- Completing or complementing your studies at Komvux
- Making an internship – praktik, at a Swedish work place
The purpose of your etableringsplan is to provide you with the skills needed to enter the Swedish labour market. You are supposed to spend 40 h/week on activities related to your introduction plan.
Introduction support – etableringsersättning
You are entitled to financial support when participating actively in your introduction plan. This is called etableringsersättning and is supposed to cover your basic expenses like accommodation, transportation, food etc. You are also entitled to a complementary supplement if you have children.
It is generally up to you to find a place to live. However, Arbetsförmedlingen can help you find a place if you take part in an etableringsplan. It comes with a certain twist though: Arbetsförmedlingen will search for a place for you and your family, but they will search for a place where you have the greatest chances of finding work or receiving education.
This could mean moving to the other side of the country. You can’t influence their decision, but you are free to turn their offer down. If you do turn it down however, you will not get another housing offer from Arbetsförmedlingen.
Looking for an etableringslots but not finding one? The Swedish government recently decided to end this integration service. They are, however, planning to compensate it with another service provided directly by Arbetsförmedlingen.
E-learning courses for your best job experience
Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed about finding work in Sweden? Or do you have a job and feel your salary doesn’t match your skills. Or, do you not quite get the unwritten rules at your new job? We’ve got you covered. We know how hard it can be to find a job, get the right pay and feel comfortable in your new Swedish job so we’ve created digital courses with all the information you need:
After finishing these courses, you will be able to navigate your Swedish work situation with skill and comfort.
Missing something? Or does something feel unclear? Contact us and help us improve.