Can the Red Cross in Sweden help me? The Swedish Red Cross – Röda korset is present at more than 80% of all refugee camps in Sweden. They have a wide offer on activities and support for asylum seekers and migrants, in the following fields.
- learning & practicing Swedish
- legal counselling & support
- medical counselling & treatment
The Swedish Red Cross makes no distinction between nationality, ethnicity, religion, social status or political opinion: their goal is to relieve human suffering.
The information on the Red Cross website is in Swedish but there is a translation button up in the left corner.
Important contact points at the Red Cross
Contact the Red Cross and find someone to talk to
Learning & practicing Swedish
The Swedish Red Cross offers training in the Swedish language and help with homework in over 100 places in Sweden. Their Swedish teaching focuses on speaking and developing your writing skills. The language training is often based on the participant’s mother tongues.
Legal counseling and support for a refugee in Sweden
The Swedish Red Cross can help you with the following matters:
- Support for asylum seekers. Here you get information about the asylum process, counseling in asylum cases, specifically regarding torture and gender-related issues and support in returning to the home country.
- Unaccompanied children and adolescents. Support in asylum and family reunification and researching missing relatives. They also organize excursions and give homework support (läxstöd).
- Family reunification.
- Help to find missing family members.
- Sending Red Cross messages
- Support in returning to the country of origin
- Certificate of imprisonment
The Swedish Red Cross – Röda korset offers treatment, guidance and support for asylum seekers and migrants in a variety of areas. The Swedish Red Cross makes no distinction between nationality, ethnicity, religion, social status or political opinion.
- The Red Cross Centres for Tortured Refugees and their families – This is for you who have trouble sleeping, suffer difficult memories, feel stressed, anxious, scared or sad. The Swedish Red Cross has treatment centre’s in various cities in Sweden, visit their website to find your nearest center nearest.
- Health talks for both adults and children.
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