All driving licenses issued within the EEA are valid in Sweden as long as they are valid in the country where they were issued.

We explain Sweden
Driving in a new country can be daunting, even if you have had a driving license for a long time. For instance, Sweden follows right-hand traffic rules, seat belt laws are strict and children must be in approved car seats, speed limits are in kilometers per hour and fines are issued for things like rolling stops at stop signs. Also, a very important thing - remember that some driving licenses are valid within Sweden for a limited period of time. Oh, and we have a guide for parking signs!
All driving licenses issued within the EEA are valid in Sweden as long as they are valid in the country where they were issued.
A Swedish driving license is usually a good investment if you plan to stay in Sweden for a while.
Parking signs in Sweden are in Swedish and getting them right can be vitally important for your wallet.
It is possible to translate a driving license issued within the EEA to a Swedish driving license.
Driving licenses from a non-EU country are generally valid in Sweden, if they are valid in the country where they were issued.