Sanjoo is a 44 year old concept developer, event organizer, food teacher and tour guide to India, who’s lived in Sweden for all of 18 years.
I came to study at Stockholm University but my first contact with Swedes was very hard to adjust to. However I love their individualism and responsibility. And I like that once you make good friends with Swedes they are very personal. I love this friendship intimacy one develops here.

What is your favourite Swedish word?
Jaha (a sound one makes to express agreement, surprise and/or confirmation)
What do you find strange about Swedes and Sweden?
They have a certain coolness, distance. And it’s sometimes really hard to understand hidden cultural and communications codes.
Do you have any advice for a Newbie?
Be open, interested, friendly and outgoing…be yourself!
What do you miss the most from India?
Warmth in all its aspects.
Do you have an anecdote about something funny that happend during your first time?
I once arranged a dinner party during my university days and when shopping for the food was very happy to find whole frozen chicken that cost only 20 SEK per chicken.
Little did I realize that what I was buying was actually “höns” or old chicken. So I basically defrosted the birds and put them in the oven to be baked with spices and veggies.
When served the chicken or höns was un-edible and like leather. I should have first boiled the old chicks before putting in the oven. Luckily I had a pasta salad to go with this and a happy crowd of 25 people who had the laugh of their life at my expense:)