Sweden’s Outdoor Access Rights (‘Allemansrätten’) gives you the right to roam in Swedish nature. That means that you can camp anywhere in Sweden that is not on or nearby private property or farms. The beautiful Swedish countryside is yours to explore, and you can even pick wild berries and flowers! Disclaimer: To keep The Newbie […]
Camping in Sweden
A guide to wild camping in Sweden
Written by Tasnim Nizar As a newbie in Sweden, I was always curious about wild camping. This is something I had never done in my country and I was so fascinated about the possibilities Sweden’s vast nature had to offer. Wild camping to me is a great way to connect with nature in a deep […]
The Most Surprising Things for Newbies in Sweden
Depending on where you come from, Swedish culture can be more (or less) different from what you are familiar with. In any case, Sweden comes with unique characteristics that are continuously shaped by societal norms and expectations. Here are 10 surprising things in Sweden. Ad by Discover Media You Can Camp Anywhere Allemansrätten is […]