Summer is upon us and soon enough most of the Swedish working force will be parking their work tools and computers in their desks for 4 or 5 weeks – the summer vacation. After midsummer and for the whole month of July the tempo all over the country changes. Many workplaces become empty, services get […]
Summer is coming – protect your skin while enjoying the sun
Written by Rita Cabrita We all know what Sweden is most known for. Or, let’s put it this way – we all know what Sweden is not known for: SUN! But you might be surprised if I tell you that Sweden has one of the highest skin cancer incidence rates in the world. Quite contradictory, […]
Vacation by Bicycle
Written by Sara Costa Ride yourself to happiness There’s something about riding that makes me happy. It doesn’t require as much effort, as say running, and you get to enjoy the landscape around you as a part of the scenery. Sure, sometimes there’s that hill that kills you, but when you get to the top […]
Explore Sweden’s green areas with Hitta ut
Written by Sara Costa One of the greatest advantages of living in Sweden is the proximity of nature. Even if you live in a big city, there’s certainly more than a forest around. Some are bigger than other ones. Some have trails for walks or runs. Some have elevated points with breathtaking views. All have […]
Volunteer at summer festivals in Sweden
Written by Elina Nomad What’s every newbie’s favourite topic in the support groups online? How to make friends in Sweden. All newbies and ‘oldies’ have different stories and ideas, suggestions, and so on. I will share with one my story how to make friends in Sweden before winter: volunteer at summer festivals. During my first […]
A Country Transformed by Summer
As summer has arrived in Sweden, the whole country is transformed. From the landscapes and the colours, to the culture and attitudes. How and why exactly does this happen?
Celebrating Midsommar
What makes everyone in Sweden happy? Summer. Life in Sweden can be sometimes challenging due to the long and dark winters. But it changes when comes the summer and the light brings people together. Midsommar in Sweden is the start signal for summer long vacations and family time. Midsommar has that special bond that brings […]
Schools Out for Sommar! Celebrating the skolavslutning in Sweden.
It’s that time of year again when schools begin to wind down towards the summer break, and students of all ages begin to dream of the long holidays ahead. In Sweden, there is one important tradition to take part in before children and teens can bid their classes farewell and head for the beach: the […]
Summer Tips in Sweden
Summer is one of the most anticipated times of the year and for good reason! The days are longer and people are generally in a happier mood. There’s a positive energy and atmosphere (stämning) all around! Here is 8 Summer Tips you try to enjoy the summer in Sweden. Eat Ice Cream Summer has just […]
The mystery of the Swedish identity during the summer holidays
Sweden is infamous for shutting down during the summer months, and often earlier – and longer, than in most European countries. Why is that so, and what consequences does it it have? The answers are called industrisemester and sommarlov. These are two heavily institutionalised concepts that are deeply ingrained in our work culture and personal […]